DaisyMae Maus is my cousin. You can click on her name to go to her blog to read what her Mom (my Mom's niece) says about DMM's health. It's scary, and I'm worried.
I've been purring a lot. My purr is loud and rumbly. You can probably hear it where you live if you know to listen for it.
We know DMM is getting fluids, and that fluids often a help a kitty feel lots better. Let's get all our purrs--soft and quiet and loud and rumbly--focused on her so she'll feel better!
Let's send prayers, good energy, and hugs to her Mom, too, so that she can feel all the support and love.
We have been purring hard for Daisy Mae Maus too.
We are purring for DMM and hope she feels better.
Aaww, your cats are so, cute. Hope they all get better soon hun xx
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