Saturday, March 1, 2008

resolution of the temptation battle

we've come to a resolution of the battle over temptations. i get mine on the bed with mom. lucy chases hers down as mom throws them for her.

i suppose lucy can stay.


Gattina said...

That's very wise ! Sounds like Salomon, lol !

Daisy said...

A very good compromise!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

A very good way of doing things.

admin said...

thanks furr dropping by at felinesophy meadouw;) if you wanna see the feline family, here it is

Parker said...

How smart of your Mommy to figure that out!

Anonymous said...

*giggle*, sweet fuzzy brother Ben and dear little sister Lucy! Those are both good ways to get Temptations. They're so scrumptious!

I hope you two sweeties and your Mommy are doing well. Sending lots of love and cuddles!

Purrs, snuggles and a heart full of love from your sister Marilyn.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Good compromise, Ben. Let Lucy run her snacks down. You can snarf yours in peace and quiet.

Karen Jo said...

That's a very good plan for making sure that you both get your share of the Temptations.

Tyler said...

I'm so happy she gets to stay. She is so very cute, you know.

I'm glad that you found a way for you both to enjoy your Temptations. We have 5 in the house and some of us don't like certain treats. It's difficult to make sure things are fair.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Wowww....Lucy also is amazing to me~!

Lux said...

Well, that's great that you're going to allow Lucy to stay! :)

Hana said...

Hi Mr. Fuzz. I am exhausted today! Today was Casper D Dog's barkday party! We had lots and lots of fun. This week we will try to post photos. Have you heard from your JB yet? I hope she is okay while her Mom and Daddy Len are away.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I missed this.
Very good agreement!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We unnerstand. I (Skeeter) love to get mine tossed across the floor an LC wants her special treats inna neat little pile...

(Ayla doesn't quite "get" treats yet). Reglar food is still too excitin to her.

Forty Paws said...

That sounds like it will work. And Lucy gets her exercise that way as well.

Oh my. We still need to let Obi do his dreams Meme. We have been otherwise occupied of late!

Luf, Us

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

That is a great solution, Ben. You won't have to work to hard for them!
P.S. My mom is BACK!

Boy said...

That's a good way to wesolve things.

Zoey and the furballs said...

Cha-Ching likes his thrown to him too.

Sorry we haven't been visiting much lately. Mom applied for a new temporary job and got it. It's a management job so she works longer hours now. If she likes it, she can stay. If she doesn't, she can go back to her old position. So far, she's thinking that she's going back. Too much politics and no Fridays off!

The Fluffy Tribe said...

that's nice of you :) ~the FLuffy Tribe