Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Middle Name Meme

The Middle Name Meme

I found this meme recently while I was surfing. It looks pretty I'll start it here.

First the rules:
1. Post the rules before you give the facts.
2. List one fact that is somehow relevant to you and your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
3. When you are tagged you need to write your post using your middle name and facts about it.
4. At the end of your post, choose one cat to tag for each letter of your middle name. Be sure to let each cat know she/he has been tagged. (It's ok if you don't do this...tag who you want to tag!)

I was going to use my own middle name...but Fuzz is a tough one! That means it's Lucy's turn. Even though she gets called 'Lucy-furr', her official name is 'Lucinda Suzanne'. Suzanne just fits, and some of the words that get used for Lucy also fit for our Suzanne who recently crossed the bridge.

S = spirited, spunky, sassy, sweet, silly, soft. Lucy is certainly spunky, sassy, and sweet. Suzanne was spirited, sweet and soft.

U = unique, unusual. Lucy asked to be rescued after she was abandoned. She happily joined our household. Suzanne was the original skitter kitty.

Z = zealous. Lucy is zealous in her play; 20 pointy claws and who knows how many teeth...and all ready to play! Suzanne was zealous in her love of cuddles under the covers.

A = ambitious. Lucy is working on the world record of moving from cuddly kitty to 'I'll bite your fingers, wrist, toes, chin, nose, ankles, heels, calves'. Suzanne's ambition was to teach mama about love.

N = nice. When Lucy is drowsy or sleepy, she is very nice. In mama's eyes, Suzanne was always nice.

N = naughty. Lucy seems to have the naughty thing down: climbing the furniture, climbing the curtains, nipping mom's toes and other body parts when mom is not expecting it. Suzanne could find places to hide when mama needed to find her fast. It led to cursing that no kitty should have to hear!

E = energetic. There's an equal sign between Lucy and energetic. She can go and go and go and go... When Suzanne was young, she had that same battery-bunny quality.

That's 7 letters, so 7 tags:

Our sister, Miss Peach
Our sister, Marilyn Monroe
Our cousin, DaisyMae Maus
Our sister, Marie
Our cousins, Prinnie and Caesar
Our uncle, Omer
Our great friend, Dragonheart


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That's a wonderful middle name for Lucy and is a sweet way to honour Suzanne. :) All of those words seem to describe Lucy really well!

Thank you for tagging me! I'll have to figure out what my middle name is! My registered name is "Hair'N'Skin Dragonheart" but I'm called Dragonheart, so I guess that's my first name. Thanks for the challenge! I'll have to put some thought into it. :)

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Me too! Thanks for the thoughtfulness of the tag! I will put on my thinking cap:)
Love to you and Lucy and Mom Toni:))

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ingrid said...

Lucy and Rosie have a lot in commun ! especially biting and scratching in my hands, but it's becoming better. The only thing she doesn't do (yet) is climbing up the curtains or into the pots with plants ! She is now 3 months old, how old is Lucy ?

Christine and FAZ said...

This is a nice tribute me me me to your little sister. FAZ

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh this looks like a good one. We will put it on the stack of meme's.
i think we can get to this one by Wednesday or Thursday.
You did really well with this one. So wonderful.
It is nice that Lucy has Suzanne for a middle name


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

That's very cool, I'm gonna work on this right away!


PS. Lucy-furr, want to play pounce on catnip mice?? It's way fun and smells so good!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Woww, that is deep, I read many times and understand finally, what a great middle name for Lucy.

Great Meme.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

That's a furry good meme, Ben! I'll be sure to get Mom to help me with it when she comes back from shoppin' ... Hmmm ... "M.A.U.S." is my middle name ...

Karen Jo said...

What a fun Meme! You did a great post for Lucy and a tribute to Suzanne both in one.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tag, sweet brother Ben! This will be a lot of fun. I shall have to think. But I like to think, almost as much as I like to purr!

I loved reading your meme -- how wonderful learn more about little sister Lucy, and what a beautiful tribute to Suzanne -- how wonderful that Suzanne is Lucy's middle name.

Purrs and snuggles from your loving sister,


Around Your Wrist said...

lucy's birthday is may 2, 2007. that puts her at almost 15 weeks old, or nearly 3.5 months.

we wore her out yesterday--lots and lots and lots of play. she's been extra cuddly today!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Lucy has a purrfect middle name. I can't get ofur how much she looks like the tuxie that raised mom! She gots pictors of him on Flickr. Him's name was Bigotes (Big-Oh-Tess) which is Spanish for mustache. Purrs to Ben an Lucy bof!

Boy said...

Gweat one Wucy!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my sweet fuzzy brother! Thank you so much for asking me to write a poem for the Sweet Sixteeens Family Reunion! I happily accept -- I would love to -- what an honor. I will do my very best and will start deciding which form would be the most purrfect for the occasion!

Purrs and snuggles and love to you, sweet fuzzy boy!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Ben -- I just wanted to say, too, that Lucy's name -- Lucy Sue -- (Lucinda Suzanne) is simply purr-fect and precious!

Love to you,


MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Benj....Could I supply a piece of art for the reunion? I would be delighted if you said yes:)

The Cat Realm said...

We are having a birthday party for our nomss friend Lucas! Come on over and have some fresh nip...
Karl and Anastasia

Anonymous said...

Your middle name is the same as My Lady's middle name. How neat!

Lux said...

Great descriptions for Lucy-Suzanne - "Fuzz" *would be difficult!

Parker said...

Oh, what a purrfect middle name! Lucy should be so proud to have Sweet Suzanne's name too!
Purrs to you and your Mommy!

muffinmidi said...

That meme was a beautiful tribute to both Lucy And Suzanne.I like hearing stories about Suz, even though she is gone. It's wonderful that the cat blogosphere
provides such an outlet.

Mr. Hendrix said...

This is a great MeMe. I didn't know that Lucy's Middle name is Suzanne. What a nice tribute. We'll always remember our sweet Suzanne.
Lucy seems to be a ball of energy and snuggles. Bendrix likes that she climbs the curtains and nibbles on toes. He also chuckled over "Lucy-furr" and keeps saying it over and over again and snickering.

We both think being zealous over playing and cuddles is a great trait!

Have fun at your sweet sixteen party this weekend!