Please go to his blog to support his family. (Mom Kim is out of town and hasn't posted anything yet, but I know she and the rest of Oscar's family will appreciate your kind words.)

Oscar adopted Suzanne shortly before she crossed the bridge. The family quickly grew to include Miss Peach, Marilyn Monroe, me, Uncle Omer (a brother to dad Oscar), Pounce (dad's new wife), and Lucy.
We will miss our sweet, kind, loving, generous Oscar. Daddy.
My dear sweet fuzzy brother Ben, what a lovely tribute to Daddy Oscar. He was such a wonderful kitty -- full of love and joy and goodwill, and he was a dear, dear friend to all -- and I can't imagine a more marvelous, loving, tender-hearted kitty Daddy! We were very lucky to have his love in our lives, as was precious, sweet Suzanne who, no doubt, is snuggling joyfully with Daddy as we speak.
But yes, we will indeed miss him so much. Your tribute to him is precious.
Much love and hugs and purrs and snuggles from your adoring sister,
We were so sorry to hear today about Oscar's passing to the bridge. He was such a wonderful kitty to everyone. We hope it's OK that we put up a small tribute to him on each of our blogs tonight. We are missing him tonight...
And our thoughts and purrs are certainly with you and your family,
Purrrrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
We's sorry about Oscar, it's been a rough week in the blogsphere! :(
I was so sad to read this. FAZ
This week is too heavy for us~!
Oah dear, I just can't breath.
That is so so sad, I just don't know how to describe my hurt feelings~!
I hope Oscar will be great in heaven, and he will be.
Purrs to all of you. My heart is broken.
Oh this is sad news.
We will pray for his family today.
What a sad day!
We did not know Oscar but feel very sorry that he has gone to the Bridge. We are sure that Suzanne was waiting for him.
So sad to hear about Oscar.He sounds like a sweet wonderful kitty.Sending
hugs and Purrs Ariel
I was so shocked and saddened to read about Oscar. He as a dear, loving, generous, wonderful cat and he will be sorely missed. There go my leaky eyes again.
Big huggies to you, Ben -- alla us Ballicai love you and we're gonna miss Oscar somethin' fierce. He was such a fine kitty, sweet and good and loving. His love will live on in alla our hearts.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.
*sob* we're gonna miss him, he was such a kind, loving kitty.
This has been too sad of a week. I hope you are okay.
Benji, I'm sooo sorrry to hearrr about yourrr dearrr Puppycat Daddy.
Know that I am sending sweet purrrsy and purrrayerrrs to you. Purrrhaps soon you can take me to see the Polarrr Bearrrs.
This weekend is the opening of Dove season--and since you might rrrecall I come frrrom a family of hunterrrs, it is an especially exciting time to sharrre. We hunt, we catch, we cook, we eat. I love them little twirrrps!
Dear brother Ben, I wrote a poem which I hope you'll like. It is in honor of Daddy Oscar, Ana, and Ubee.
Lots of love and purrs and snuggles,
How awful. You have our condolences.
We're really sorry about losing Oscar. He was a wonderful cat and we so enjoyed reading his blog.
Cha-Ching tells me that he wants to send extra-special purrs for Lucy-Furr, as she copes with this loss.
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