mom says that she doesn't quite look like a 'ravenna'.
she thought about 'katharine' with the nick name of 'katie'.
'ruth' because she came to us through mom's work at ruth dykeman children's center.
'lucy' because of her little black lucille ball used to wear sometimes.
at the moment, mom's been calling her 'lucy' because it seems most like her. i guess we'll have to wait a bit to see. feel free to submit your vote and/or ideas!
for my part, i'm not too sure. i'm growling and hissing a bit. there's been no major argument, and i'm not feeling mean toward her. mom has the nursery set up so that the little one and i don't have to be together all the time. i'm feeling a little smug that i get to sleep with mom tonight and she doesn't. (i really sound like a big brother, don't i?)
and now...who you've been waiting for:

can you see the little nick in my ear? mom thinks i tangled with one someone who took a real bite out of me!

can you see what i see? birds, bugs, squirrels, and really big mushrooms

i'm sure i can open this window...i need an opposable thumb! mom!!!

a little young for a tummy picture, but it is awfully cute!

this is the lady who found our girl and brought her to us. her name is daintry.

Yourrr little sisterrr is darrrling. I like Lucy too--she does rrremind me of that black and white show I've seen on the glowy box. She also has grrreen eyes like me!
In rrresponse to yourrr earrrlierr comment on my bloggie...
YES, YES, YES, I will go with you to Dragonheart's parrrtay!
Parrris--herrre we come...
Oh, by the way, I've neverrr actually been to a cat blogging parrrtay--so this will be a firrrst forrr me. Anything special I should know?
Jade (giving prrretty eye blinks)
Oh Benji--orrr should I say Benvolio-those flowerrrs arrre sooo beautiful. You arrre so cleverrr to fashion it forrr my delicate neck. How thoughtful of you. I feel like a Prrrincess!
I don't rrrecall everrr having a Niptini beforrre, so I am especially pleased that you've arrranged trrransporrrtation. I will trrry my best to get my bloggie in orrrderr--it is rrratherrr late herre.
(meowing softly and blinking jade green eyes)
Thank You,
Hi Ben & Mamma Toni - Oh, she is very cute! I like Lucy for a name - how about Nicki? - to match her ear - ha, ha. I hope that you will start getting used to her soon Ben - it will be fun for you to have company during the long days when your mom is out bringin home the bacon. XOX to you both. T.
What a cute little girl she is. Congratulations Ben and Momma Toni on your new addition. I'm sure that you will be a great big brother, Ben. I like the name Lucy too.
BTW, I have a little nick in one of my ears too. I don't remember too well, but i must have gotten into a fight when I was a poor street kitten.
Oh she's so adorable! We think Lucy is a great name. When Daddy first saw the picture he didn't know that she's a girl and said she should be named Groucho!
Oh my goodness, she is soooooooooooo adorable! I wish I could be a big sis too!!!!
Wowww, she is so cute~!
Very cute and like me~!
Oh this is such awesome news. Your little sister is soooooo cute Ben - I think Lucy is fine though Isabel is also a great name!
She looks furry cute!!!
The ear nick could be owing to a fight or it could be that she was picked up by a TNR (trap, neuter, return) program and her ear was nicked to indicate that she was neutered!
You all are going to have such exciting times ahead ~ happy playing and fun! I'm sure Ben and Lucy will make great friends soon and start playing around the house :)
Your new little sister is very cute, Ben. She looks like a Lucy to me, too. It does look like something took a bite out of her little ear. I hope you get used to her soon. The two of you will have so much fun together.
Oh my goshie is she ever cute! Lucy does seem to suit her with her B&W color! Is she a clown too? Then that name should be a shoe in. Oh how fun to have a new baby in the house. Benjamin just think now you will not be alone during the day when mommy is making green papers for you.
I am so happy you ecorted the lovely Miss Jade to Paris....she looked a pretty as you did handsome. I saw you both dancing away out on the patio:))
Hello Lucy (if that is going to be your name)! Nice to meet you. :) You are very cute and adorable. I like your moustache - I have one too.
Ben, I'm glad to hear you are getting along with your new little sister. You are a good big brother. I'm glad you get to sleep with your mom, though.
Hello little kitten sister! Welome! You are very pretty and I think that you are going to have a wonderful life!
Smooches to you from me!
I am so happy for all of you.
Oh yore new little sister is so so so cute! Our Lucy finks dat Lucy is a great name for her. Mom finks she is adorable and feels bad about her little ear. I hope it's okay now.
How about Sassy! Or Sadie!
OK, She is SOOOOO sweet! I can't tell you how absolutely adorable she is! And Benji, you do sound like a big brother and I think it suits you! I know it will be an adjustment but I think you're up for the challange. Little kittens can be a real pain in the butt but I think you're the man for the job! Oops, sorry Mommy! Mommy told me to be nice. Little kittens are little angels and they never do anything wrong! (whatever)
I hope you and your new sister have fun getting to know each other.
I'm sorry that I missed Dragonheart's party but am glad to see that you've found a special ladycat to take. My boy is growing up! I love you sweet young man! I will get me meme's done this week or weekend. I want to thank you for nominating me for them. I think you're pretty fantastic, too! Have a wonderful Wednesday!
I love you tons!
PS: Give our sweet new girl lots of love for me!
aaaaaaaaawwwwwww that is so sweet! she is a dainty darling isn't she?
Lucy is a good name expecially if she is a little silly and has a good heart like her namesake. I have a nick too. I wish she hadn't had to go through that! No matter, she is home safe and sound now.
I think it is wonderful you and Lord Jaders are an item. I look forward to seeing you both at the party! I think you and Jade are a lovely couple.
Awwww! Welcome little kitty sister! We vote for Lucy. Or Daintry. It would be cool to be named after that nice lady in the picture.
Ben, you lucky guy! I want a little sisfur or brofur and mom won't let me haf one. She is a beyooty, I bet your gonna be a grate big brofur.
Oh she is SOOOO cute!! I like the name Lucy, it does seem to fit her well.
Dear Benvoliofuuzbert, your new baby sister is adorrrrabibble but she looks like a pawful. Goodness, she might be giving you some lessons on trashing the house.
Lucy is a very cute name! She looks like a Lucy, it is a happy name. It means "You are wonderful"
We hope you two have the very best day ever!
Headbutts Caesar
Absolutely adorable!!!
Lucy is a cute name, so is Katie! My fur-sister's name is Katie (which is short for Kateri) but she is called Baby. Mom's are so weird!
She is a real cutie!
That's the same kind of kitty like my Rosie ! and they must be about the same age. Rosie is now 2 1/2 months old and little Lucy ?? (I like Lucy it suits her very well) Now we can compare our kittens ! I hope for you that she also has such a nice character as Rosie and today you can see what big friend Arthur and Rosie became ! I think you will accept her after a while too !
Oh my goodness,the new baby kitten is too cute! I love her little black mustache. She looks just like a little black & white kitten my Mommie fell in love with at the shelter named Suki. But I think Lucy is a cute name for her. Ben, you are going to be a very good big brother.
Awwwwww, Ben!! Your little sister is just darling, and her pictures made my mom say SQUEEEEE!!!!! really loud.
Lucy is a marvelous name for her! Others on the same theme: LuLu or Lulabelle. But Lucy fits her very well! She looks very much like she needs a "Lu" somewhere in her name.
Congratulations, dear brother! And big snuggles and kisses on the head to precious little Lucy.
I also wanted to say I am so happy for you and Jade! You are so dear to me, and Jade is a dear girlfriend of mine, and I couldn't be happier that the two of you are becoming close. You make a delightful couple!
Purrs and snuggles from your loving sister,
Oh, now, she is just way too kyoot!!!! She does have a huge nick out of her ear! Goodness! What a cutie pie!
Luf, Us
I had the most incrrredible time dancing with you in Paris. You werrre so chivalrrrous when I spilled the niptini on the carrrpet and you lapped it up so no one would notice, thank you. I feel so lucky that you picked me to go to the parrrtay. I do believe some of yourrr otherrr admirrrerrrs arrre full of envy now, but that's alrrright. I loved snuggling close to you as we strrrolled outside in the chilly, but rrromantic evening airrr.
I am going to go rrrest now, My verrry handsome Mancat...
Purrrs and Whiskerrr Tickles,
Very cute little sister. Hey, Ben, I would be unsure and hiss a lot, too. In fact, I wasn't very welcoming to Sara or Kat 3. But they are OK now. Enjoy the little sis! You get to boss 'em around.
Your new little sister
is adorable. The name Lucy just seems to fit her. I bet the two of you will have lots of fun times together. And Lucy will keep you company while your mommy is at work.
"Lucy" is a furry good name for your little kitty-girl. But I've also heard that kitties are supposed to like the "ssss" sound, so "Sassy" is a good name, too.
I, myself, am partial to the name "Roxie" ... She looks like a "Roxie" to me ... Just a suggestion.
BTW: She is furry, furry cute.
Too, too many baby kitties on kitty blogs today. My Lady is seriously going to end up wanting a new cat again. I can see it in her eyes.
Such a sweet face - how lucky she is to have found a home with you!
Your baby sister is sooo cute! I like the name Lucy, it suits her colours! How about "Dainty" after the lady, Daintry, who found her?
P.S. You've been tagged for the Save the Bears blogdrive! *wink*
Original Post
~The Flyer
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