Friday, June 22, 2007

my own peach-y meme

My Peach-y sister has asked me to do her meme.

1} Favorite season? Spring, please. "Spring has sprung, the grass has riz, I wonder where the birdies is!"
2} Favorite colors? Blue and go with my furs.
3} Favorite room? Wherever there's a place to drowse and doze.
4} Do you like dogs? Maybe. Maybe not.
5} Ever been in an airplane box? NO!!!!! Not in the least bit interested, either.
6} Do you have the get bathed? Yes. A bath is part of my lion cut.
7} Are you in love? I think I'll plead the 5th Amendment at the moment. There are a few kitty girls who are quite intriguing (*dreamy look in eyes).
8} Where would you like to travel to? the deck
9} What do you ignore? mom calling me
10} How many lives have you used up? maybe one.
11} Do you have any dark secrets? none that I'm willing to admit today. mol
12} What is your favorite holiday? any holiday when we get lots of company!
13} Water or milk? cold fresh water--out of a bottle not the tap
14} Why do you blog? I blog because Suz enjoyed it so much, and I'm getting to love it too. Mom says she hasn't felt this connected in a LONG time.
15} Are you into extremes? Extreme dinner
16} Favorite TV shows? I'm not really into tv, although I do love a freshly made lap
17} Are you a pesty lap cat? Yes! mom keeps asking me to sit next to her instead of on her. Can I help it if I want to lay on her face?
18} Inside or outside cat? Inside. sigh.
19} What makes you happy? Fresh catnip, dinner served on time, a snack before bed.
20} Your most embarrassing moment? I'm not easily embarrassed, and can't remember when I was.

Wanna play along? Go right ahead! this is a fun meme.


Parker said...

Yup, sitting on Mommies face or her lap is a preferred spot for me too! It's good to be an inside cat Ben, trust me on that one!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Hi Benjamin! Those are such good answers to the meme. Come see my posty before you head off to daddy's wedding in Vegas. I like the answer to your'll see why:)
I hear the early birds chirping so I better go to bed now....nighty night

Ingrid said...

Sorry was the wrong link first.

human laps are great to sit on or on their chests just between the book and their heads !

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

I'm sorry son, I've been running very late today. Also, last night was my beans 10 anniversary and it was not ideal. All that later. They were just happy that they were together for the last part of the evening. I will comment on your meme later. I have to tell your sisters to check my blog for the details.

I love you son!

Ali & Fiona said...

Your momma shouldn't have such a nice face that makes you want to lay on it. Whoever the lucky ladycat is that you like is very special because we think you are very handsome.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, we don't sit on mom's face, maybe we should try. Those are really good memes Benjamin. Yore really getting the hang of dis blogging!

Karen Jo said...

I like your answers, Benjamin. Nice cold water is one of my favorite things to drink, too. Keep right on being a lap cat, but maybe you should reconsider being a face cat. With all your fur, you could give your Mom the sneezies and that might be unpleasant for both of you

The Meezers or Billy said...

great answers!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

We like being inside kitties.
We really really enjoyed reading this about you. You are a very interesting kittyboy BenBen.

<3 C + P

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

#14, "connectedness," is a furry good thing for your momma ... It also allows us to see what's goin' on in your lives, too. It's also nice that your momma can visit our cousins (Zoey and the Furballs), too ... I don't think that they've ever met in person. I think that they'd like each other. Maybe when Mom comes up to visit in the fall-ish.

snowforest said...

Ben you are a fun cat. Great to learn these cool facts about you ~ nice to know that you are easy going and kinda happy go lucky ~ have fun blogging :)

love from uncle omer and ur cousins snow and forest :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Ben! I loved reading your answers. You are a delightful kitty boy. And how adorable that you are not only a lap cat but a face cat also!

Sisterly purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

p.s. -- my human momma thinks you are just gorgeous. You remind her of a very special kitty who lives in her heart.

lordjaders said...

I bet yourrr momma just loves yourrr tickly furrr! I snuggle too, but I don't always insist on the lap.

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

That was a great list and your answers were fantastic! You are surely my boy! I'm a pesky lap cat, too!

You looked so handsome in your blue tux! Armani really out did himself! I have to let you know, there were a lot of lady cats looking your way! Thanks for being my best man. I love you so much! Suz would have loved seeing you dudded up! Don't feel sad, I wanted to let you know that I felt her presence as I often do. She was there in my heart and she'll always be there. Tell Mommy Toni that I don't want her to be sad, I want to let her know that Suzy wasn't forgotten.

I will be out of town until probably Monday. My Mommy will be in Little Rock and I'll be on my honeymoon. If you need me for anything, your Mommy can email me.

I love you!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Love to know you more~~
Happy weekend to you~!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Benjamin darling brother...who might these eye catching ladies be? this is your big sister talking here. I saw a few give you the come on over eyes today at our daddy's wedding reception.
Luf Peachy