i was tagged by 5 cat style and the flyer with this info about the bears in asia. there's some horrible stuff going on there...and i'm willing to stand up and say 'STOP!'
first, be aware that this information might be hard some young tender cats.
there are people in the world who use bear bile as a health aid. new developments have shown that herbal replacements are at least as effective as bear bile. the following story describes what happens to the bears when their bile is harvested.
"Sadly, in China, Korea & Vietnam the bear bile trade is still a thriving industry despite the fact that herbal substitutes have been found to have the very same medical properties that bear bile is supposed to have.
"Bear bile is obtained from a variety methods, including daily puncturing of the gall bladder to extract the bile, making a permanent open incision to the bear's bladder for daily drainage of the bile, and slaughtering of bears in front of customers to ensure 'authenticity' of the bile. For more information please visit this link: Bear Bile Industry.
"Please help to spread the message of Animals Asia's campaign to stop bear bile farming in China, as well as those of other animal welfare organisations."
not many of you know that mom loves polar bears. we've got lots of polar bear art around our house, and mom frequently wears polar bear jewelry (and a tiny tattoo on the inside of her left ankle).
legislation introduced this past spring is asking that it be illegal for a trophy hunter--or anyone else--to bring a polar bear pelt into the us. there are well-reasoned arguments for this request, and i'm in full support of it.
if you're interested in either (or both) issues, do a web search (mom speaking...
i'd type more, but ben is putting the bitey on me...he wants to go to bed!)

Save the Bears

Polar Bear Protection Act
That information about bear bile harvesting is just gross and horrible. It is really sad to think that people in this day and age can still think this is acceptable behavior. I am all in favor of banning bringing in polar bear pelts to the US.
Thank you continuing the tag about bears!
The poor thing really do need lots more attention so that more people can realise how cruel and senseless it is and help to put a stop to it.
A big BEAR hug to you and your Mommy for showing such love to the poor lil bears! ;D
~The Flyer
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