Saturday, July 7, 2007

my mom should get a sleep award. we were in bed at midnight. she was up at 5:30 and back in bed right away. up again at 7:30...awake until 9. then back in bed until 11:00. aunt donna called...or we'd probably still be sleeping. i like those long times in bed. i can sit on her and she pets me. aunt donna said she could me purring over the phone.

we've been having humidity with our heat. it's not like mid-west or southern heat and humidity, and it's still plenty hot and wet. i'm going to hope for cooler temps until i get my next lion cut. mom, will call and schedule it please?

the new camera gets here on monday. we're a little surprised at how long it's taking...since costco is a seattle-area company. i guess it doesn't ship from around here.


Karen Jo said...

Yay for your Mom getting in some extra sleepy-time. Snuggling together in bed is the best.

Parker said...

Oh Ben I wish I could have snuggled with Mommy this morning! That sounds divine!

Ingrid said...

That's a great idea a sleeping award ! We have Rocking boys and girls awards, thinking bloggers and "best of" awards but nothing for sleeping. My cats would all get one (not me)

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Sleeep is good. Snuggling is super wonderful.

((((hugs)))) to both of you.
yes, cooler temps would be nice.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

That is cute... how did you get that "you've been fuzzed!" up there.

Very catchy!! :-)

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Sleepin' sounds like a furry good plan.