Sunday, July 15, 2007

wishing it was a sleepy sunday

i think mom has forgotten that today is 'make a lap for the kitty' day.

mom has pledged to install her new camera's software before tuesday so that when she takes pictures of the new baby, she can post them.

we're waiting for the baby to tell us her name. mom's good at listening to learn kitty names: for example, suzanne very clearly told mom that she was suzanne. benjamin 1 did too.

believe it or not, i was already named benjamin--by the lady who kept me in a van with 5 other cats--when mom adopted me.

if the baby doesn't have any suggestions, mom might call her ravenna. (in her odd--insane?--moments, mom sometimes thinks she'd like a pair of basset hound girls: she'd name them jadwin and ravenna. if she names the baby ravenna, then she doesn't have to have the dogs.)


Parker said...

Oh Ben! A new baby sister, what a lovely thing to do! You and your Mommy are going to save a life.
Suzanne is smiling from the Bridge right now, I can feel it!

Ingrid said...

Thank you very much for the nice performance of 98 bottles, lol ! I easily can imagine the picture and music. I am very curious to see your baby sister and Ravenna is a very nice name. I already have been in Ravenna it's a beautiful town in Italy. We then can compare our two kitties, my 2 months old Rosie and your sister (maybe) Ravenna !

Forty Paws said...

We can't wait to see the baby!!!

Luf, Us

Daisy said...

Oh, I am so excited to see pictures of the new baby! I can hardly wait!!!
I think Ravenna is a cute name, too. If that is her true name.

The Cat Realm said...

Ben, we can´t wait for the pictures! This is wonderful that you will have a Baby sister, Suzanne would have wanted that, we are sure!
Ravenna is perfect, especially if that keeps the hounds away!!!
And you can teach your little sister all kinds of things and cuddle and play, we are very excited!

Skeezix the Cat said...

My Food Lady growed up with 2 basset hownds: a bruther and sister named Herbie and Peeches. She sed they were grate dawgs and they were vary nice to cats.

Bogdan, the editor said...

DOGS?!?!?! A consideration???

(passes out)

Bogdan, the editor said...

(comes to)

... and we can't wait to see the photos of the kitten.

Around Your Wrist said...

not to worry about the dogs. mom is truly a cat person. her three sisters and brother are all cat people (although one is in the process of defecting to the slobbery side).

Tina T-P said...

One cat that I had many years ago had come to me as a stray - I was calling her all different names to try them out - but I was sitting playing my guitar and learning the Paul Simon song "Slip Slinin'Away" which has the line "he said Delores, I live in fear.." and that cat ran up to me and started to meow - like, that's it, that's my name! So that's what I called her - my other cat at the time was named Frank, so they made a nice pair. Frank & Delores - Like something out of an old TV sitcom or something - LOL.

A pool - I'm jealous - I'd be in it all of the time - hope your mom has another good swim this afternoon!

Looking forward to seeing pics of your new pal. T.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Oooooh a baby sister! That will be so much fun!


Anonymous said...

Awwww Ben, sweet brother, you look so FUZZY and adorable in your picture *big smile*. And I think Ravenna is a beautiful name -- so distinctive! I can't wait to see pictures. You will be such a wonderful big brother and Suz the very sweetest Angel sister.

Purrs and snuggles from your loving sister,


Lux said...

You sure do have floofy furs, Ben! Ravenna's a really pretty name.

Tyler said...

Ah Ben, she forgot about lap day? I'm really excited to hear about your sister. I hope to see pictures of both of you soon.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Going to the pool is great fun... so I hear....
Does your mommie have a window a/c or central a/c? that helps too.

today was a good day to just chill on our own, I think. Mommie came over and pettted me a few timess, but really,.... good to just chill in a sunny patch.

Prinnie thinks Ravenna is a nice name but it is good to see what she thinks. She might be a Snowy, or a Cookie!
I think 2 dogs is a bad idea. Get the baby soon, and we are excited to see her!

Happy Sunday BenFuzz


The Meezers or Billy said...

a baby sisfur? how WONDERFUL!!!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

You're getting the baby? Goodie! What does she look like? Ravenna is a pretty name ... She might have something that she wants to be called. I wanted to be called "Maus" ... Mom and I compromised.


Karen Jo said...

Ravenna is a lovely name. I am eager to see a picture of the new baby. I hope you like her, too.