Sunday, April 22, 2007

i want out

the sun is shining and it's warm outside. i want mama to let me out.

she finally did. i got to go onto the deck. it smells good out there...fresh and clean, and very much like spring.

then a jet flew over. i want back in.


Rosemary B❤️ said...

We don't go outside at all, but mommie does open that back door for us... and sometimes the window.
Spring does smell good!

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

HI! Thanks for visiting me. Oscar the Puppy Cat here. I am going to add you to my favorites' so that I can visit you everyday, or at least almost everyday. I need to update my links and you'll be on that list, too. My Mommy is interested in you recipes. She says that she will leave a comment for you later. She's giving the kidbeans a bath and then has to get the ready for bed. Have a great night!

Karen Jo said...

A jet would have to fly over just as you were beginning to enjoy yourself. You will get another chance, I'm sure.